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In this Statement, a reference to “St Peters College”, “we”, “our”, “us” or "School" includes St Peters College and its current and future related bodies corporate and affiliates. “You” or “your” refer to the person or persons giving this consent. Described below are the terms and conditions for obtaining access to certain parts of, or making use of certain features of the St Peters Website
Please read this information carefully and thoroughly.
Terms and Conditions
In relation to personal information of job applicants and contractors, the School’s primary purpose of collection is to assess and (if successful) to engage the applicant, or contractor, as the case may be.
The purposes for which the School uses personal information of, staff members and contractors include:
• in administering the individual’s employment or contract, as the case may be
• for insurance purposes
• seeking funds for the School
• promotion and marketing of the School
• to satisfy the School’s legal obligations, for example, in relation to child protection legislation.
When a person applies for a position, or on commencement of employment at the School, they are asked to supply information to the School to enable processing of the person’s employment and to maintain ongoing employment related functions. Generally this information includes: name, address, telephone number/s, fax numbers, email address/s, date of birth, gender, citizenship, ethnic origin, passport details, disabilities, health details, web address, previous employment details, qualifications, salary details, bank account details and tax file numbers.
At the time information is being collected, staff will be advised if there is a legal requirement to supply the information requested (for example, if it is required by immigration or tax law). Human Resources collects personal information as part the School’s contractual relationships with individuals to ensure payment for employment services rendered. Personal information collected or held by Human Resources will be used for managing processes associated with the employment relationship with the School. Activities may include payroll, human resource management, superannuation, risk management (workers compensation insurance), recruitment and internal/external audits.
Personal information may also be used in statistical or aggregated forms for School planning, or for purposes required by Australian government bodies, for example, the Australian Taxation Office.
In general, the School will only disclose personal information to third parties if the staff member has authorised the third party (such as financial institutions or superannuation funds), to have access to personal information with the following exceptions:
• The School will disclose personal information when required to do so by law. This could be as a requirement to satisfy warrants, subpoenas, Court orders or Workers Compensation orders.
• The School may also disclose personal information to a third party if there are reasonable grounds to consider that the disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of the staff member or another person. The School will not sell, rent or trade staff members’ personal information. Personal information is not released outside the School except in the circumstances described above. No personal information about staff will be released to the media by Human Resources without the consent of the individual concerned and in consultation with the Communications and Marketing Department and in line with the School’s Media Policy.
Questions and complaints:
If you wish to access or update your personal information or make a complaint if you believe there has been a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, you may contact our Privacy Officer for help at:
Personal information collected, used and stored by us will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy, available at